Dept Of The Army - Survival Handbook

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Dept Of The Army - Survival HandbookDover9780486461847
Product Description

Parnassus on Wheels is an incredible story of a woman in her late 30s who has never done anything but work as a governess and afterwards a cook and caretaker for her bachelor brother Andrew. Helen is satisfied with her existence until her brother decides to start writing books about the pleasures of country life and suddenly becomes a celebrity author. Unexpectedly hes a prominent literary man traveling around searching for inspiration for his next book. Andrew stops helping Helen around the farm and takes her for granted. One day Roger Mifflin a short man with a red beard stops at her farmhouse in a horsedrawn wagon loaded with books. After his arrival Helen does something that changes her life entirely and leaves the readers emotionally satisfied with her decision. Its a beautifully written book with incredible descriptions and a strong main character. This heartwarming book follows a simple writing style and is a mustread for booklovers.
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Department Of The Army
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