• 9780062980748

Single On Purpose

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Single On PurposeHarperOne9780062980748
Product Description

The Angry Therapist who has helped thousands of men find more happiness in their relationships and more purpose in their lives now shares his insights with everyone in this powerful guide—selfhelp in a shotglass—covering essential topics from vulnerability and posturing to workouts and women. Deep in postdivorce soul searching John Kim came to an astonishing realization he was a miserable fck who might just be to blame for the problems in his life. Armed with this new insight he began The Angry Therapist blog—an admission that while he was a licensed therapist and life coach he was no better than the people who sought his advice. In his first post “My Fucking Feelings” he wrote about the struggles and shortcomings that had led him to this point. As his work caught on catapulting him into the role of unlikely and unconventional guide for thousands of people all over the world Kim evolved from behaving like a boy to living like a man—and showed his clients how to do so as well. In I Used to Be a Miserable Fck Kim delivers the dos and don’ts for stepping up and into manhood which he defines by transparency and strength of character not sixpack abs or a corner office. With his signature nononsense approach that will make you laugh and think Kim takes you on a rugged rough and tumble road trip of selfexploration and discovery sharing his wisdom and insights such as why Being nice is for boys and being kind is for men Scheduling man dates could make you a better friend lover and human being Peeing in the shower is a sign of a larger problem Arguing judging and answering “I dunno” are keeping you from a healthy relationship a great career and a happy life We are not born men. We are born boys. The transition from misery to meaning is an internal process that requires work reflection pain courage and sometimes a rebirth. Kim knows because he’s been there. The truth is men weren’t meant to just pay bills and die. With this book as your guide you will love hard walk tall and find a life filled with purpose and passion.
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Kim John
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